Why Have a Funeral Plan?

In life, we plan for many eventualities, but so few people make plans for their own Funeral both in wishes for how they would want their funeral to be and in financial planning for a funeral.
There are growing concerns about how we talk about, pay for, plan and organize the whole process of aging and dying. Current arrangements for providing support and advice are already creaking but we face a growing problem, both financial and emotional because of our aging population.
It can be a great help to relatives and friends left behind to have a plan of how you would want your funeral to be and can save a lot of time, effort and argument, trying to guess what you would have wanted.
Complete the pre-plan form choose a coffin from our extensive catalog (you only select one, you don’t need to pay for it). When the form is complete, the whole document can be printed out, and or emailed to where ever you want. The pre-plan service is completely free to use.
At this point please look at our Trusted Partners who have been carefully chosen to provide services of good quality and value to help you with future planning including Will writing services, independent Financial Advice, Funeral Plans, and Cash Plans.
Place the Plan document with your Will and other important documents and then can be used when the time comes.
The Choices for your Arrangers are:
- Come back to Comparethecoffin.com, select “activate a plan”. Using the plan number on the front of the document. The arrangers will then go through the plan and all the choices you had previously made will be highlighted for them. They choose a coffin from the catalog (either the same as the one you selected or one similar). The coffin is paid for at this stage and then the plan is sent to all the Funeral Directors / Undertakers who cover your area. This will enable them to get the funeral you wanted at the best possible value.
- If you know which funeral director you want to use, then take the plan directly to them. For an additional value and savings, they can buy the coffin that was chosen by you (or one similar) from our catalogue and we’ll send it directly to the Funeral Director / Undertaker
- The last option is your arranger’s plan and executes the funeral on their own. They will need to purchase a coffin from the Comparethecoffin.com catalogue, but after that, they can do everything themselves. Very few people do this now, but the number is growing slowly. We have no favorite but don’t underestimate how much a good funeral director can help and you can ask them to do a little or everything – it’s up to you!
Your plan can be edited as many times as you like and your details are confidential and will not be passed to pass to anyone else unless you request it. (Privacy Policy)